Sarah Tabone

Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 50: Drunk!

Hehe... got you with that one didn't I? No no I'm joking I didn't get drunk, but I did drink a glass of wine and my goodness the room spun round for a good five minutes! Oh well. So today was an odd day. I woke up and stayed in my room doing some stuff till I had to leave for a meeting to do with the voluntary work I am part of. I then went for lunch and then Karl and I went to the Super Store as we had some shopping to do as we had run out of almost everything. After that we went back to the residence and at 9.15 pm Amy came for us and we went to the house of a friend of hers for drinks... hence the wine. I quite enjoyed it there, we just chatted about some stuff and then at 11pm we got a cab and went to The Wave (the pub on campus) as a 'famous' band was playing called K-OS. Anyway we listened to a few songs, but this guy just didn't seem right. He kept asking for the lights to be turned down and he wore sunglasses and a hood. He was acting quite weirdly and at one point ran off stage and came back with a bag of rubbish and threw it over the people!! Thank god he missed my area! Anyway, he was half way through the show when he just stopped singing and ran off stage! A few minutes later a voice comes on the speaker saying that he is 'not feeling himself' and has had to go back to the hotel. The people were livid, everyone wanting their money back. Later we found out what everyone already knew; he was on drugs and well, he just freaked out. Anyway, Mike and Amy came over to Karl's for a cup of tea then which was nice. It's 2.40am now and I am exhausted and I want to work tomorrow so I'm off. Night night.


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