Sarah Tabone

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day 47: My room!

My 'memory' shelf where I put all the things I got before I left and things I received while I was here, plus a few little things I picked up from the beaches and parks over here....

Today I decided to show you guys what my room looks like. This is the place closest to what I can call 'home' at the moment even though it doesn't compare, not even close, but it's quite nice for now. Anyway here it is. Today I woke up early to work on an assignment due for tomorrow. It was a history paper and the topic was 'The Deportation of the Acadians and the Invasion of Quebec', it's quite interesting but still... I know for a fact that history was not my vocation! Anyway, had a really long and good chat with my dear dear mother, went to mass, had lunch and then went back to do some more work. I spoke to my darling gran and then I spoke to Josette and Lexi... I was so pleased! For those of you who don't know them Lexi is one of my closest friends who I haven't seen in ages cause she left for 2 months to India on mission work a month and a half before I left for Canada meaning I wouldn't have seen her for six months by the time I get back!! And Josette is her mother who is like a second mummy to me. :) After that I went to a meeting about some dance workshops I might be giving... news later on... and then I got back to my room, did some work and then watched some T.V. Now I'm off to bed cause I want to wake up early to read tomorrow. Oh, I also bought my ticket from here to Toronto after I finish exams, I leave on the 10th December so then I have 11 days in Toronto before I come back home.


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