Sarah Tabone

Monday, October 09, 2006

Day 38: Thanksgiving Dinner

Today was a great day. We got up early and went to mass at the Cathedral. The priest gave an amazing homily on the values of the world today and how we are forgetting about the simple things which at the end of the day are the most beautiful. After mass we went back to the house to prepare for the big dinner. I peeled loads and loads of potatoes and have the blister to prove it, but it was fun!! Slowly, people started to arrive, but I have to say that my favourite was Cadence this 2 year old angel who is so so cute and talks like she is 10 years old! She is obsessed with Josh Gruben, the singer I fell in love with yesterday. As the day went on more and more people came to the house and we had fun chatting and snacking. Later on we decided to go for a really nice walk to the woods and that was great fun! When we got back we had this HUGE and DELICIOUS dinner waiting for us, from turkey to pork to potatoes to vegetables to stuffing, to bakes pears to pumpkin pie... and it goes on and on. Amazing. It was such a great day, I am exhausted now and off to bed. Tomorrow it's back to uni and then I start school again on Tuesday, as tomorrow (Monday) is actual Thanksgiving.


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