Sarah Tabone

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 31: Great Expectations

Today was a relaxed day. I woke up to do some reading and later on in the day I went for lunch and met alot of my friends so we spent some time chatting there and it was good fun. After lunch I went back to do some reading till 6pm mass, which I love. The priest is great, the music is beautiful, led by a group of girls with angelic voices, and you always chat with some people before you leave and I enjoy that. Anyway, after mass Karl and I decided to watch a DVD we rented from the library... Great Expectations by Dickens, and it just finished now, it's three hours long, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. In the meantime I took my clothes down to be washed and am about to go and get them out of the tumble dryer... which is something I always do in fear and trembling. Anyway, yet another week beginning tomorrow so I'm off to bed. Goodnight.


  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Simon said…

    hi sarah, met your mum on sunday...she stole a piece of cake from me...remember to remind her next time you talk will you :)

  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Hey Simon, I told my mummy and she said she is very sorry but it was not her fault cause Nik didn't tell her you wanted it! So don't say bad things about her ok!!!

    :) See ya!


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