Sarah Tabone

Monday, December 04, 2006

Day 95: Snowmen and Snowfights!

Oh my goodness... it snowed today and it snowed heavily! The whole place is just white and I got to build my first ever snowman and have my first ever snow fight!!! I was sitting in the Karl's apartment doing some work when I saw what looked like rain. After a while I started noticing that everything was going white and before I knew it everywhere was white!! Karl and I flew into layers of clothes and just rain out into it... my goodness what fun!!! We started taking pictures and then we noticed two others in the distance doing the same. Later we noticed they were out two friends fom Australia and they were as excited as we were cause they had never seen snow either. Anyway we decided to try and build a snowman and it took us ages as we were grabbing handfulls of snow and just piling them on top of each other. An hour later we did actually make something close to a snow man. In the meantime of course we had the odd snow fight and that was great fun! Just as we had finished our snowman, out American and Canadian dreinds came along and made fun of our snowman saying it wasn' t the real stuff. They then spent the next ten minutes laughing their heads off when they found out how we actually made it because apparently you are meant to roll teh snow and it just grows and grows and we were picking it up and piling it!! Oh well they built a quick one, smaller than ours though in a matter of seconds!! I had great fun!! Some of them then try sliding down a slope on trays which we stole from the cafeteria!!:) I loved it! This morning we had two shows and they went great. We were given lunch inbetween so it was nice to sit and chat to the others. I also took loads of pics but I can't put them all up here. The one that I did put up is of my fiance and myself... Young Scrooge:) And the one in the snow has a special dedication.Tomorrow another two shows!!


  • At 7:15 AM, Blogger Brent Edward Slater said…

    Hey Sarah!! I am so glad it snowed while you and Karl are here...I hope it makes your stay feel complete. It was so wonderful waking up today to see the sun glistening on the blanket of snow that is covering everything for the first time this year! I think it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever laid eyes on, knowing that I won't be around for most of the winter.

    Good luck with your performances...I'll see you on Friday evening!

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Hi!!I know that is my biggest wich at the moment, that all my family and friends could be here with me!

    Brent... I am so glad that it did snow yes!!I think it is absolutely amazing! You are going to miss it it's true but you will see loads more I am sure!! See you Friday!


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