Sarah Tabone

Friday, December 01, 2006

Day 92: Two shows!!

Today was so much fun we had two shows, one in the morning and one in the evening for the public and it was great!! The morning show went really well as usual for the school kids and then Karl and I went back to residence to do some work. We had lunch and then decided to go picture crazy and took all these really weird pics :) Anyway, in the evening we set off for our other performance and I was so excited because there were people who I knew in the audience like Mr. and Mrs. Baldacchino and Amy!! They really enjoyed it apparently and afterwards we went to have a drink with Mr. and Mrs. Baldacchino at Maver's the theatre bar. I had a really great day... I love this show business stuff! Tomorrow we have another performance and then a cast party afterwards. Fun!!:)


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