Sarah Tabone

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Day 105: Nutcracker

Thankfully today Joyce was feeling much better so we decided that we would be able to make our weekend in Toronto afterall. We packed for most of the day and then left. It was about a one and a half hour drive but it was quite pleasant. We got to our hotel which was called Cambridge Suits and we were given a room on the 20th floor! It was so nice, and the view! Anyway, we had just enough time to unpack and then we left to go and watch the ballet 'Nutcracker'. Out of this world, in all of my life I don't think I have ever seen anything so beautiful. Afterwards we were all hungry so we went to have dinner and found a place called 'Rich Tree' which was so original. It was set as a market with each stand selling different types of food and you could go around and buy anything you wanted from there and sit at tables in the centre and eat... I loved it. Anyway went back to the hotel for a good sleep... I was exhausted!


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