Sarah Tabone

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Lots of little things to say ... :)

So... since last Monday, I spent most of the week working on lessons plans for my thesis as I had to give them in on Friday. Thankfully I finished just in time...literally, because my computer decided to mess up just two hours before I had to meet my tutor! But I managed. In the evening Jon and I went to watch 'Licence to Wed'... hilarious! We loved it! Robin Williams was great in it! Oh and I forgot to mention, earlier than that, as we were trying to find a parking place I got the fright of my life and almost landed in a lamp post because a few lovely people decided to yell at me at the top of their voice... *cough* not that I didn't appreciate the welcome but I honestly almost had a heart attack! Anyway... After the film finishing at 1.30 am, I had to wake up at 8am the next day as we had a wedding of Jon's cousin. It was a nice wedding, got introduced to a whole pile of people... can't remember any names though!:) In the evening we just chilled at home as we were rather tired. Sunday... today. Yes well, today I went to mass and then Jon, mum and I had lunch at the airport, really good food, and then went down to arrivals to see Lexi (my best friend) arrive! It was great to see her after such a long time. She was on mission work in Ethiopia. I went to her house after and we saw her pics and watched her videos. My oh my, some tribes are just out of this world. Ever heard of women who fight to get whipped as a sign of pride?! Crazy. Anyway, this week I face yet another week of thesis work, but I don't really mind. In the meantime... I miss you all, call me if you go out and big hug and kiss :) xxx


  • At 11:22 PM, Blogger Simon said…

    where is this tribe again...?
    missing u too saz

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    i dont have a thesis na na na na na na, lol stay alive and looking forward to seeing u soon


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